Open House Tuesday, February 25th - 9:00 -11:00 am Applications Now Being Accepted for PK - Grade 7 ADMISSIONS
Safe driving in the school parking lot is a commitment required of all Aquinas Academy families. All drivers are responsible for adhering to the parking lot procedures described below and putting student safety first! Unsafe driving cannot be tolerated and is subject to enforcement by the Livingston Police Department. The parking lot procedures should be communicated to all drivers entering the campus during school operating hours.
Consider the minimal amount of time it takes to slow down for safety. Please 'Be A Peaceful Presence' in our parking lot.
Morning Drop-Off - Preschool
At this time, Preschool Drop-Off should continue to park, drop-off their child, and then exit on to South Livingston Avenue until further notice.
Morning Drop-Off - Grades TK - 8, 7:35AM
Enter the parking lot from South Livingston Avenue. Follow the 5 mph speed limit.
Aquinas Academy uses a valet drop off only.
Proceed to the last aisle on the left in front of Madonna Hall. Drive slowly and attentively as parents from the preschool will be on foot with children. Stop in front of the Daly Parish Center (unless otherwise directed to the second door). Faculty and staff will help your child(ren) out of the car. Children will proceed from the vehicle in to the Daly Parish Center. Be attentive to the people and cars around you. When the line moves, exit slowly out to South Livingston Ave. Please be cognizant of those attempting to make a left on to South Livingston Ave so as to not obstruct their line of vision.
Parents should not leave their car to park unless there is a specific reason.
Parents should not leave their car in the drop off line.
Please do not pass other cars in the car line as it is a danger to the children and staff.
There is no parking or driving in the coned area in front of the oval.
Afternoon Pick-Up - Preschool
At this time, Preschool Pick-Up should continue to park, pick up your child, and then exit on to South Livingston Avenue until further notice.
Afternoon Pick-Up - Grades TK - 5
Enter the parking lot from South Livingston Avenue. Follow the 5 mph speed limit.
Park in a designated spot in front of the gym. Please wait for your child on the oval in front of the gym. Teachers will bring their students out to dismiss. You may not wait in your car for your child.
Afternoon Pick-Up - Grades 6 - 8
Parents park their cars and wait in the car for their child to be dismissed. Staff will safely assist the children in navigating the lot to walk to their car. Cars may not drive or park in the coned off area in front of the oval.
Non-Negotiable Parking Lot Procedures